Find links for published online classes, presentations, workshops and interviews with Leonardo.
VIVADANÇA Festival Internacional

2022 - Retorna com o Bahia Mundo, podcast em cinco episódios com convidados muito especiais: bailarinos e coreógrafos baianos que saíram da Bahia e ganharam o mundo.
English: A podcast in five episodes with very special guests: Bahian dancers and choreographers who left Bahia and won the world. The podcast is in portuguese.
Dance Theatre Heidelberg

2020 - DTH-Workshop-Podcast
Here is a podcast created for the Dance Theatre Heidelberg audience. A carefully guided session of 20 minutes encourages people to try out and move their bodies. No previous experience is necessary.
Dance Theatre Heidelberg

2020 - Leonardo Rodrigues is on the rehearsal stage with Inés Beldar Nácher, March Galvez, and Arno Brys, dancers of the Dance Theatre Heidelberg working on movement ideas that form the basis for a scene development of Oscillation, a dance piece by Iván Pérez premiered in 2021. The recorded original music by Ferran Cruixen.